Bellenden Residents' Group (BRG)

If you are a local resident and take digital pictures, please take some of the places you like or want improved and load them onto this website! see here how to do this: Neighbourhood Pictures

Boundary map

The BRG is a community group run by local residents. The aim is to develop a network of people in the neighbourhood who can communicate easily on matters of mutual local interest. The area covered is the Rye Lane West neighbourhood. This is the SE15 area west of Rye Lane, south of Peckham High Street and Peckham Road, and runs up to the SE5 and SE22 borders. See the map for the streets covered; click on map to see larger version.

This website for the BRG continues to develop.  The main coverage currently is Planning policy for the neighbourhood, and a BRG initiative to develop our own residents'  Neighbourhood Profile. This includes a project for residents to load Neighbourhood Pictures on the website. Further pages will follow eventually. In the meantime, some matters of great interest to this neighbourhood are covered on  and

Neighbourhood Pictures

The notes of the Residents' Meeting on Wednesday 29th April 2009 5pm-7pm exhibition, 7pm-8pm discussion at All Saints Church, are available here. The first results of the pictures exercise from this website were considered and some key issues relating to the town centre as part of the Council's formal consultation on the PNAAP. See Planning policy  and  Neighbourhood Pictures for further information on these.

We want more pictures and your comments about what you like or want improved in the neighbourhood.

The current stage in the PNAAP is the formal consultation on the Council's final Submission version of the PNAAP. The consultation runs from September 2012 to 4h December 2012. We will be writing up our draft Neighbourhood Profile sometime soon, so now is the time to make sure all your favourite places or not so favourite places are recorded in your pictures and short comments on this website.

If you are a local resident and take digital pictures, please take some of the places you like or want improved and load them onto this website! see here how to do this: Neighbourhood Pictures