Rye Lane West Neighbourhood Profile Pictures

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The BRG is developing a Neighbourhood Profile through a participative process to enable local residents to create and articulate their own ideas about the Rye Lane West neighbourhood (see map for boundaries), and to make them accessible to others including the Council and developers. To start with, we would like to capture visually through pictures and videos what we like about the area and what we would like to see improved, especially its physical aspects. See here for more details of the project.

We are publicising this pictures project in the neighbourhood and are encouraging local residents to contribute by taking photos or very short videos of any parts of the neighbourhood that they especially like or don’t like. Do please let your neighbours know. This picture gallery will create an enjoyable tour round our neighbourhood, and enable us to develop a collective feel for its nature for the Neighbourhood Profile. It is aimed at capturing what people feel who live in the neighbourhood, though we are glad to hear what others think of it as well. So if you post a picture, you will be asked to click the appropriate box to say if you live here, work here, or visit here. If you leave a comment on another picture, please say in your comment if you live here, work here, or are a visitor’.

Adys Road

Wednesday, 15 April, 2009 - 19:17

This is much more interesting.  With the quasi mansard roofline, projecting parapets and dormers the planners were clearly persuaded it matches its neighbours.  Well sort of, but this little development clearly has its own agenda.  I like the fact the materials and detail make no effort to reflect the adjacent houses: the second hand stock brickwork, sooted white-washed and all, the simple treatment of the first floor windows, and those crazy steep dormers all work reasonably well creating an interestingly articulated facade.  Note the barely perceptible off-street parking .  Not that outstanding a development but quite a good try.

Wednesday, 15 April, 2009 - 18:49

This is marginally better.  At least the windows are more or less correctly proportioned but there is no disguising the fact that it is a different type of building from its Victorian neighbours.  The bays are clumsily proportioned, the walls are cavity brickwork and therefore stretcher bonded and of course there are no chimneys.  It just doesn't look right.

Wednesday, 15 April, 2009 - 18:22

Just what is going on here?   The scale and proportion of the new pair of houses is execrable in the extreme.  I suppose you can work out what the developer was trying to do; squeeze three habitable stories into two, but in doing so has introduced a totally confusing sense of proportion and then compounded it by weak and feeble detailing.  Note the simple assurance of the original houses on the right. The 1950s development on the left at least has no pretensions.  We shouldn't be doing stuff like this today.


Bellenden Big Lunch

Monday, 20 July, 2009 - 02:46

This is Bellenden shopping parade, on Bellenden road between Maxted Road and Choumert Road. Bellenden Road is a long road. The shopping parade which also took part in the Big Lunch, is several hundred yards along from the part that was closed off for the street party.


Bellenden Road

Sunday, 3 January, 2010 - 13:08

these photos where taken on Bellenden Road during the heavy snowfall of feb 2009

Andy Lee
Friday, 24 July, 2009 - 21:04

The Big Lunch features Bellenden Road in Peckham SE15, tuba, bunting, birthdays , community, carved water melons, food and new friends what a fantastic day.

A Big thanks to everyone who helped make this year's Big Lunch an amazing community event.

You can watch Bellenden Roads Big Lunch here http://www.youandiskills.com.

Felix, You and I Skills
Friday, 24 July, 2009 - 15:43

On Sunday 19th July 2009, communities all round the UK took to the streets to share home-made food and meet the neighbours. This is a quick little video of the Bellenden Big Lunch in Peckham, South East London. It was an absolutely fantastic afternoon. I can't wait until the Big Lunch 2010! If I had it my way, we'd do this every Sunday! Many, many thanks to the organisers, the musicians and the folks who provided food. Geeky details: Shot on a Panasonic GH1 at 720p50 with the stock lens and a Nikon 17-55mm f2.8 DX. Graded in Premiere Pro CS4.1. All handheld (poorly!) Excuse the shakiness! My Fader ND filter hasn't arrived yet so the shutterspeed was uncomfortably swift.

Jack Kelly
Monday, 20 July, 2009 - 16:29

We had a brilliant time and we hope you all did too.  Thank you so much for involving us, and here's to next year's BBL!

Juliet Barclay
Monday, 13 July, 2009 - 14:31

What could be... One (cheap) traffic calming solution would be to allow parking bays on Bellenden road between Chadwick and Choumert road. This disportionately wide section of road allows cars the space to speed. One way of limiting speeding would be to narrow the road by allowing car bays. These need not be ugly as the photos show and could support the local businesses by allowing customers some short-term parking.
This could also be done on Bellenden road between Holly grove and Chadwick road; where again the road is very wide for a single lane of traffic.

Sunday, 26 April, 2009 - 20:59

Time was when advertisements like this, on the corner of Chadwick Road and Bellenden Road, were painted all over the gable ends of terrace houses. They are now very rare and fading and so what to do with them? Remove them as eyesores? Unthinkable. Yet to carefully repaint and restore them would be equally crass as it would erase those evocations of the past which we so like about the area.

Sunday, 26 April, 2009 - 20:48

Most of the area has survived reasonably intact since first developed. So its interesting to note the occasional odd echoes of changes in Peckham's recent history. Although of no particular interest in itself, this little terrace from the 50s looks like a WWII bomb site infill.

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:23

This 'nature reserve' in Bellenden Road, fronting the DWP (Department of Work & Pensions) building, has great potential but is sadly neglected and used as a dump by those passing people who eat on the hoof.

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:23

Highshore School at the northern end of Bellenden Road: Attractively designed (opposite the 'concentration camp' of Peckham Academy)

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:17

On the left, the view of Peckham Academy from Highshore Road. On the right, the view from Bellenden Road. But how academic, and need it look like a concentration camp?

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:15

On the corner of Holly Grove and Bellenden Road is wonderful Ganapati resturant offering authentic South Indian cuisine

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:11

Review bookshop on the corner of Choumert Road and Bellenden Road is a focal point for the centre of Bellenden.

Tuesday, 17 February, 2009 - 00:09

I took these as a record when the Renewal works were completed in 2003. I hope to take some more in the near future which will provide an interesting opportunity to see how it has developed.

See the full montage with links at http://www.thingsmagazine.net/projects/007/index.htm.

Jonathan Bell
Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 - 19:59

The number of singers swelled hugely by the time the group made its way along Bellenden Road to my bookshop. An example of how keen local people are to take part in community events.

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 04:57

Before the Bellenden Renewal scheme, this shopping parade was run down and tired to look at. I always felt it was really attractive beneath the grime and superficial dereliction. With the bircks cleaned, and the wood and stonework painted,and the shop fronts upgraded, it did the trick. Hey presto this is a very pleasant shopping street to be in. The extras of the new pavements, new lights and new bollards, courtesy of famous, then local, artist Anthony Gormley, and still local Tom Phillips, added an extra something, even if it might be arguments about the value of those extras.


Blenheim Grove

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:18

Barry's Place: A Treasure in Blenheim Grove- opposite Bar Story, and a view from station Platform 1.

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:14

A successful social eating and meeting place created in railway arches and surrounded by industry. Hints at what could be achieved with other imaginative enterprises.

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 03:11

This side of Blenheim Grove is all (except for Bar Story) industrial and commercial workshops. It could have been an awful mess. But instead, we have these pleasant brick walls and sturdy railings. They seem to have been there since before the Renewal Scheme. It is Network Rail property. So they may be responsible for creating a pleasant part of the area.


Chadwick Road

Monday, 2 August, 2010 - 21:49

It would be so wonderful if the Zoetrope above the entrance to Rye Lane from the Choumert car park were actually made to work (never has to my knowledge and it has been there for years) and if the planting in the area below it were given a creative overhaul, with perhaps a bench or two to enjoy it from?

Juliet Barclay
Tuesday, 28 April, 2009 - 04:42

The traffic island outside the shops is in the wrong postion. The road is too narrow, and it is too close to the bus stop. It causes a dangerous build up of traffic where people are crossing the road. It is also close to the dangerous junction with Chadwick Road. The cars and buses coming out of Chadwick Road are not fully visible to the traffic coming along Bellenden Road which is often speeding.  It all needs redesigning.

Mr Patel
Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 - 20:39

Recently a planning application for a two storey building proposed for a site between Chadwick and Choumert Roads was dismissed at appeal. The outlook from the back of houses in Chadwick and Choumert Roads is a wonderfully light, green space and the neighbours who opposed the planning application rejoice that it may remain so. It is important that the green areas of Peckham are not harmed by the inappropriate insertion of developments into backland sites.

Juliet Barclay
Wednesday, 15 April, 2009 - 20:20

Not sure about this.  It looks reasonably innocuous and thats the problem.  It was clearly supposed to reflect the houses to the right but somehow fails.  It is a boring building. On close inspection the proportions are wrong, the brickwork, even in the photograph doesn't look right and with its fake parapet and sunken undercroft to rear parking, it reveals itself for what it is, a block of flats more or less disguised as a Victorian building.  It isn't and raises deep questions about how we should be building new dwellings  in this context.  Can truly innovative architecture have a place in an historic environment  and where do issues like authenticity and integrity come into it?


Choumert Grove

Sunday, 26 April, 2009 - 21:16

The 1940s 'prefab', once so reviled, is in danger of becoming extinct and some are even being preserved. This one, on the corner of Choumert Grove looks well looked after and is a pleasing contrast with the recent development on the far side of Mcdermott Road.

Wednesday, 15 April, 2009 - 19:39

If you are going to do it right get it right.  That's the message of this one.  Not the only approach of course but here the existing terrace has been extended by copying it in every detail.  The scale, dimensions and materials all echo the adjoining houses, even down to the stock brickwork with its flemish bond  and coloured mortar giving the illusion of weathering. The gates are not to everyone's taste but so what.  The only real giveaway are the rooflights. Not applicable in every case but this development  works. 

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 03:17

These old, tired, dirty and bent railings are a legacy from the past. All the railings that have been replaced by new ones were like this or worse. This is why I enjoy the new railings so much everywhere, as I know how much better it all feels to have the awful ones removed and replaced by cheerful and pleasant ones.

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 03:03

The car park used to have an awful old broken surface. I always like to see the fresh unbroken and clear surface now, on that mad rush to the station to catch a train. I also really like the wide expanse of sky that that car park lets us enjoy. The Council is intent in its Peckham Area Action Plan (PAAP) of removing this car park and having large buildings there that would block the sky, and lose us that feeling of space. It is also an important car park for town centre visitors, that would be lost. Unlike the multi-storey car park it is very well used.

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 02:54

nice new railings and gates replaced the terrible broken ones, that were hanging off dangerously. But the accumulation of various bits of street furniture clutter up the place, as it does in a number of places locally


Choumert Road

Tuesday, 28 April, 2009 - 04:06

the tree leaves just coming out and the pink blossom fully out in almost all the streets. This one near the corner with Costa Street and the Montpelier.

Sunday, 26 April, 2009 - 22:02

The Rye Lane West area of Peckham is full of hidden surprises. Many people will know what the Almshouses in Choumert Road look like from the front but probably don't peer round the back. The Victorians usually treated rear domestic elevations in a fairly basic manner but here there is real attention to the architectural detail. Note especially the parapet/coping detail, and the roof profiles. And who said chimneys are always boring?

Wednesday, 8 April, 2009 - 23:03

Choumert Road is the only road that spans the whole width - west to east - of the neighbourhood. From the western top end of the road you can see all the way to Rye Lane and see the buses moving along in the distance. Here the neighbourhood goes gently down from the sedate quiet residential area crossing the Bellenden shopping parade and entering the bustling trading area through Choumert Market into the very different atmosphere of the town centre at Rye Lane.

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:13

Petitou, on the corner of Reedham Street and Choumert Road, is a delight to the eye as well as for the food.


Choumert Square

Saturday, 27 March, 2010 - 15:02

From Youtube: "An amazing collection of country cottages in Peckham. Beautiful homes, amazing gardens and lovely people. Opens just once a year for us to enjoy. Also had an art show for Chock Lee."  This is a lovely Sunday each June, our very own local village fete. Each year I am there with The Peckham Society, and Bellenden Residents' Group, stall in a corner. We have some wonderful conversations about local things, meeting new local people and visitors and developing links with existing members and contacts. This 10 minute video from Youtube captures some of the enjoyment of the day. If you live in this area this is an event not to be missed.



Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 - 14:26

I am retired and have lived in Bellenden Rd for ten years, I am endlessly fascinated by Choumert Sq, having seen it over the years and seasons. Its an Oasis of calm with some really nice residents and many mad Cats. In any season, Choumert Sq is an unfailing antidote to our mad PC ridden world.

Keith Hoy

Copleston Road

Wednesday, 8 April, 2009 - 22:53

Copleston Passage is one of two short pleasant walks in the neighbourhood unsullied by road traffic. The other is Rye Passage at the other end of Bellenden. This Passage is the exit and entrance between the Bellenden neighbourhood and the beginning of Camberwell around Ivanhoe Road and the well known Hoopers Bar & Cafe. Although a bit neglected, there is a welcome charm to these two passages because they are pedestrian only, and used and known only by locals. This Passage is a pedestrian bridge over the railway line from Peckham Rye station to East Dulwich station. There is a good view of the expanse of the railway cutting that is impossible to get from any other place. It is possible to see how it acts as a fantastic haven for wildlife and their own passageway in and out of the city.


Costa Street

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 02:47

More new railings, these at the entrance to the community garden. This is a lovely place to stop by if there is time on the way to and from the station. The glimpse through these gates and the path beyond are an uplifting view in the rush to catch a train!


Danby Street

Thursday, 9 April, 2009 - 00:00

This house is prominent on the corner of Danby Street and Copleston Road, and is currently (April 2009) being renovated. The developer/owner who is sometimes present during the building works says he is converting the house into apartments but retaining original features. Let us hope this is so as this is an attractive building in a very prominent place.


East Dulwich Road

Friday, 23 January, 2009 - 17:37

I love the way the Spring pink tree blossom matches the pink pavements (designed by Zandra Rhodes). The cleaned up shop fronts give a good feeling especially in the sunlight. 


Goose Green

Wednesday, 18 February, 2009 - 14:30

I have lived in Bellenden Rd for more than ten years and am interested in developments and improvements.

Keith Hoy
Wednesday, 28 January, 2009 - 09:55

I love the Open Space at Goose Green - the trees, the grass and the feeling of openness.


Gowlett Road

Wednesday, 29 April, 2009 - 05:20

Pink abundance in April in Gowlett Road, and many of the roads in the neighbourhood. It is beautiful till the rains come and wash them off the trees.


Highshore Road

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:25

Prolific ivy adorns even the chimneys of this house in the eastern section of Highshore Road.

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:24

This ugly site in Highshore Road (near the postal sorting office) has been the scene of a number of aborted developments for around two years. It would be interesting to know what is going on. Meanwhile, waste bins frequently block the pavement. Complaint to Southwark Council (which is hot on cars that do no harm) has been unavailing.

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:20

One of our finest historic buildings obscured by an ugly security fence and motor cars in Highshore Road. The building is now used by Royal Mail for the Highshore Sorting Office.


Keston Road

Friday, 30 April, 2010 - 16:52

Thanks to Southwark Council and especially to all who signed the petition!

Bill Guest
Sunday, 18 October, 2009 - 18:06

Following a petition from Keston Road residents and a grant of £50,000 from Rye Lane and Nunhead Community Council, Southwark Council have agreed to resurface our road. We look forward to showing you the results in due course.

Bill Guest

Kinsale Road

Tuesday, 13 December, 2011 - 15:48

While I was on holiday in September, my street was delivered of huge bright blue plastic recycling bins. They join the huge green and (in some cases) brown bins in the narrow space between low walls and front windows of our houses. We have no front gardens or access to the back, but the bins were delivered anyway.
I think you'll agree they are inappropriate for the space, and spoil the look of the Edwardian Terrace.

D. Morgan
Monday, 27 April, 2009 - 14:32

Our street is full of ornamental fruit trees that would be more at home in a park. I would love them if they were properly maintained; regular pruning etc. They look beautiful for a day until the traffic mangles them due to their size, (see picture) and then when the wind and rain arrive, two tons of wet petals descend on everything, then turn brown and slippery.
We have had several replacement trees in recent years- it would have been good to have been consulted on the species planted.

D. Morgan

Lyndhurst Square

Friday, 30 January, 2009 - 00:03

This is an old painting of Lyndhurst Square from the mid nineteenth century.


Marsden Road

Thursday, 29 January, 2009 - 01:50

The Wildlife Garden is tucked away in the space behind Grove Vale and Ondine Road, where the old Council refuse depot used to be. The entrance is in Marsden Road with lovely gates installed by the Bellenden Renewal Scheme. This picture is of the 2006 BRG Summer Garden Party, an enjoyable day for people of all ages, in such a lovely setting.


McDermott Road

Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 - 19:39

I love these sheep. They always make me smile. This little garden is lovely. Go and say hello to the sheep.


Nigel Road

Friday, 6 January, 2012 - 16:45

In December, I saw a planning application notice attached to a post at the Nigel Rd bus stop. It was to install a 3m x 1m advertising panel on the paved area opposite. I was very surprised that it hadn't been dismissed at the start (October) and was dismayed to see that the deadline for comments was only days away. Luckily, I spoke to the planning officer, who extended the deadline, and after emailing my comments on the council website, contacted neighbours and the BRG which thankfully was enough to highlight the inappropriate nature of this kind of installation in that place. Imagine the advertising panel on these photos!

Delia Morgan
Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 18:06

This view shows the pleasant curve in this part of Nigel Road, and shows off well the clean up that the houses had in the Bellenden Renewal Scheme. They were the first in 1999 together with adjacent roads Relf Road and Anstey Road. In this picture the awful street furniture clutter at the junction is well evident. They were the first streets to be chosen for renewal as they are one of the key gateways to the area. It is also unfortunately the key gateway and getaway for the flood of traffic through the neighbourhood rat runs in rush hours.

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 04:41

This small green is the northern edge of Peckham Rye Common, just where Nigel Road joins Peckham Rye and Rye Lane. As part of the Common, it has the same protection as the Common from development. Until a year or so ago, there was an ugly broken metal railing around it, and the same kind of railing around the next part of the Common just further south. Then the Council took the railings away and it transformed the look and feel of the whole place, literally over night! It was wonderful. In summer the trees in this part of the Common from here to East Dulwich Road are magnificent, and my most favourite tree place in the area.

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 04:29

This is another small terrace of attractive buldings opposite the Nigel Road junction. Just right for the 'facelift' treatment that some Bellenden streets got, but they wait in vain, and this and the other street frontages in this important gateway to the town centre remain so neglected.

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 04:18

every time I go along Nigel Road towards Peckham Rye, I feel sad at the derelict house on the end of this remaining terrace of three pleasant and attractive houses. A lovely view coming along Nigel Road if one wasn't derelict and they all had their fronts cleaned. Why, I keep wondering, has it been allowed to get into that state? I wish I knew; does anyone know?. If only we could do something to get it back into functioning and get that view as good as it could be.

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 04:07

Just where Rye Lane and Peckham Rye meet at the junction with Nigel Road, there are some attractive terraces of three storey buldings. This terrace has bricks with a rosy glow, and a pleasant curve on the terrace. If only it had been cleaned up on the front before the Renewal Scheme ended, its attractiveness would have had much more beneficial effect as part of the entrance to Peckham town centre. Of course the ubiquitous street furniture clutter is well in evidence in this view.


Nutbrook Street

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 02:09

Nutbrook Street houses had a 'facelift' in the Bellenden Renewal Scheme (1997-2007). The work was done in 2001-2, and consisted of cleaning front brickwork, painting the woodframes and doors, new front garden walls, railings and front paths. Only 3 houses opted out. Overall, the relatively low cost work - without any repairs - lightened and harmonised the look of the street, especially pleasing when the sun shines on the warm yellow bricks. Several years on, the pain of being subjected to the Council Housing Department and its contractors for a long time, is slowly receding, and we can enjoy the improved feel of the street



Wednesday, 28 March, 2012 - 00:11

There's a fascinating 'new build' coming to fruition at the North end of Ansdell Road where prefabs used to be. 'A builder's brotherhood' "Doran Bros" (Irish) I believe previously tending to label themselves 'jobbing' have come up in the world in 'my road'. They have, with a seeming Victorian spec, re-built nine new houses where nine houses used to be in a line (where WW2 houses were bombed and where four or so distinctive post war prefabs took up the space), and, in line with a kind of Victorian tradition abutt onto our old woebegone specs past their residential prime. This line of new houses looking pristine in London Stock, appointed with sashes (albeit in plastic), with uniform frontages, porches and back-ages supply a flavour (perhaps) of what a new built c.1900 Victorian terrace might have looked. Except, Doran Bros have given to their 2012 new built terrace satellite reception, attic rooms, solar facilities (so I was told), a kitchen layout at front (instead of reception) so that southern sun (one surmises) enjoys shining on more designed living sectors of the new-build. The 'Doran Ansdell Project' is soon to be completed bar tinkering here and there. E.g. ground levels have presented a problem where possible torrential rain may gush whether into designed gullies or over the thresholds to inundate one or two of the terraced property's hallways and kitchens...

All-in-all, its worth a nosy perusal at these new nine houses before the build is soon to be completed. And, if you do nose around - the sooner the better - since you will certainly recognise the unmistakeable dark-blue liveried Doran Bros van, maybe, hear an expletive in Irish accent which prevails upon one of Doran's 'European employees' who day after day look tense, hurried, fractious as they point a pier, lay a paving, carry a hod or 'whatever' always overlooked by either Doran brotherhood's beady eye for their 'Patrician perfection'.

Rob Clark

Peckham High Street

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 - 10:27

These superb remnants of our past are obscured by tatty shops in Peckham High Street. See Peckham Society account http://www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/images/8/82/Peck_Soc_Guillery.jpg of the history of these oldest Peckham buildings from the seventeenth & eighteenth centuries. There is a good view from the Lidl car park.


Peckham Rye Station

Thursday, 29 January, 2009 - 01:44

For two or three years the BRG arranged carol singing by local residents at the station one evening near Christmas. It was really enjoyable to be singing together, and it was wonderful to see rail travellers' weary expressions change to uplifting smiles. Quite a number stopped to join in... It was a great feeling of community spirit all round, in the ticket hall we all know so well from scurrying through to and from trains.


Rye Lane

Sunday, 3 January, 2010 - 12:56

These Photo's where taken Feb 2009 straight after an unusually heavy snowfall

Andy Lee
Monday, 13 July, 2009 - 14:10

Peckham Library at Sunset. A view from the Hannah Barry Exhibition on the top floor of the multi-story car park.
It shows how close we are to the centre of London, yet our transport links to it are constantly under threat.

Thursday, 7 May, 2009 - 21:47

Memories of Rye Lane environs during that wonderful snow. (Photos taken c.5.38pm - 6.04pm 2 February 2009)

Bob Clark
Thursday, 7 May, 2009 - 21:02

Christmas 2008/9 in Rye Lane as with previous year showed Christmas lights dowdily arranged without comprehension to any seasonal aesthetic as to 'a glorious promenade of glittering lights' that might easily be achievable. Just witness the haphazard hanging of lights where many in-between posts are ignored making the overall aspect ‘mean and uneven’. Notwithstanding, that on Christmas Eve 2008 when my photos were taken lights were unlit at 3.42pm just as shops are about to close early on the last Christmas shopping day. “Yes” lights reluctantly brighten 5mins later at 3.47pm as ambient light level triggers auto street lights to turn-on. Seems like Mr. Scrooge is alive and well in his woebegone Southwark Town Hall garret switching off and turning on Peckham’s “Bar Humbug” Christmas lights. I will certainly be out again recording Christmas lights in Peckham 2009. Will Southwark’s Ebenezer still have his finger on the switch again one wonders?

Bob Clark
Saturday, 11 April, 2009 - 18:54

Some familiar sites for those of us who don't drive everywhere in a people carrier, can't afford organic food and don't employ an Eastern European Nanny to look after our kids which, incidently. all have triple barelled names like Oliver-Dolphin-Evelyen James Joyce Harry.


Rye Passage

Tuesday, 28 April, 2009 - 04:15

This is how Rye Passage is a small oasis in the midst of the bustiling urban places.

Thursday, 29 January, 2009 - 01:37

Rye Passage as it was after first temporary improvement in early 2008, paid for by CGS funds. Work now stalled, waiting impatiently for completion with new and realigned fencing to open up the passage and to remove blind spots.

Thursday, 29 January, 2009 - 01:26

Peckham Rye Passage is a lovely lane just off Peckham Rye leading to Nutbrook Street. It is ruined by broken down fencing which encourages rubbish dumping and urinating at the Peckham Rye end. This is how it was recently after the first clear up.


Sternhall Lane

Sunday, 1 February, 2009 - 03:28

McDermott Road is a long road coming from Maxted Road. In the distance the eye is caught by a small group of white buildings. I like that view.


Waghorn Street

Wednesday, 29 April, 2009 - 04:38

This terrace was built in the1980/90s to replace several pre-fabs built on war damaged land. The roof line sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn't fit with the older one, and the proportions of the newer terrace are dismal compared with the old ones.


Warwick Gardens

Wednesday, 3 March, 2010 - 09:13

Such a positive community event organised by The Friends of Warwick Gardens. A wonderful family day in the park with music, art, food, yoga & hula hooping. A big thank you for all the musicians who gave their talents for free and of course the wonderful people who came to enjoy the day. It had such a lovely peaceful vibe and truly demonstrated the strength of our community. For our first effort, we're very pleased with ourselves and the feedback has been so positive. It was really hard work but the success of the event has made us totally enthused to do it again in this year. Please do get involved to help us organise The Warwick Wingding 2010. We need all manner of skills & talents. Thank you.

The Friends of Warwick Gardens
Thursday, 3 December, 2009 - 19:41

On Saturday 26th September 2009 there was a lovely festival in my local park so I filmed it. The festival was called The Warwick Wingding 2009 and was organised by the Friends of the Warwick Gardens.

Jack Kelly
Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 - 19:43

Friends of Warwick Gardens host an annual Dog Show and Fete which is great fun and involves all the local community.

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