This factory site is hidden behind the back gardens between Nutbrook, Howden, Waghorn Streets and Maxted Road, and entrance is between 31 and 35 Nutbrook Street and between 18 and 20 Howden Street, and underneath the bedrooms in one of the houses in each street.
The church started operating in April 2009 without permission and The Council issued an Enforcement Notice and Stop Notice in July 2009. A Planning application for change of use was made in January 2010. Permission was refused in March 2010. The key documents are available through the links below:
Residents now hope to persuade the development company that owns the site and the factory to take part in local discussions on the kind of industrial use that would be appropriate and how that can be effectively marketed. To take part in these discussions, email
STOP PRESS LATEST August 2010: The Church appealed against the refusal and residents were gearing up to object by 18 August 2010. However they withdrew their appeal at the end of July. The site has now been sold to a local artist who is converting the buildings into Nutbrook Studios. This is much more the kind of use that came out top in our local discussions about the most compatible kind of use, short of buying it and incorporating it into the gardens it backs onto. It has more chance of being well managed and very secure, and hopefully not noisy.