This first section of this page is a temporary collection of reports and information about the ending of the South London Line.
BBC Radio London Mon 10th December 2012
This is the archive for the milestones of the campaign to save the South London Line, that appeared on the SRUG Home page. The campaign was launched on 26 June 2009.
For more information on the campaign see here:
and for the impact of the loss of the SLL see here:
TfL's Tube map 2012 TfL’s Tube map shows the way TfL sees our rail services - Queens Road, Peckham Rye and Denmark Hill disconnected from central London. |
Tube map 2012 with ELLX & SLL Our Tube map shows the South London Line on the map and as a key part of the integrated Zones 1 & 2 south London transport infrastructure. |
See also the maps compared or the geographical maps showing the actual routes: close up, full map.
End of the South London Line: campaigners gather at London Bridge
Sunday 9 December 2012 London SE1 website team
Transport campaigners and local politicians gathered at London Bridge Station on Saturday morning to mark the final day of the inner South London Line service to Victoria via Peckham Rye.