Rye Lane East

streets between Rye Lane and Consort Road

Franks Campari Bar

Contributor's name: 
Andy Lee

Photo taken on top of the Rye Lane car park at the temporary Franks Campari Bar Aug 2009

summer music & poetry on the Bussey roof

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The roof of the Bussey building with its fabulous views across the whole of central London and beyond is the venue for CLF music and poetry weekenders. Local people and visitors of all generations enjoy the music in the building and on the roof, and the summer food and refreshments on the roof. See here for more information on the CLF and the weekender http://www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/CLF_Weekender_2007

Geo.G.Bussey & Co historic name

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This is a view of the Bussey building from the multi-storey car park. The original name of the company is still clearly visible along the side overlooking the railway tracks. This is the more decorative side of the building that is a good advertisement for the Bussey factory viewed by all rail passengers. Cleaned up it would still present a very impressive face of Peckham to all those who travel through on the trains. The current air of emptiness and dereliction is misleading as the building, and the site behind it, is full of small businesses, artists and other enterprises of various sorts. Further information on the Bussey building is on http://www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/Bussey_Building

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