Kinsale Road

Bin City!

Contributor's name: 
D. Morgan

While I was on holiday in September, my street was delivered of huge bright blue plastic recycling bins. They join the huge green and (in some cases) brown bins in the narrow space between low walls and front windows of our houses. We have no front gardens or access to the back, but the bins were delivered anyway.
I think you'll agree they are inappropriate for the space, and spoil the look of the Edwardian Terrace.

Ornamental cherry tree

Contributor's name: 
D. Morgan

Our street is full of ornamental fruit trees that would be more at home in a park. I would love them if they were properly maintained; regular pruning etc. They look beautiful for a day until the traffic mangles them due to their size, (see picture) and then when the wind and rain arrive, two tons of wet petals descend on everything, then turn brown and slippery.
We have had several replacement trees in recent years- it would have been good to have been consulted on the species planted.

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