Peckham town centre

The town centre overlaps with the north (Peckham High Street) and east (Rye Lane) of the neighbourhood edge. These pictures show the overlap area.

So much potential for a great little public space...

Contributor's name: 
Juliet Barclay

It would be so wonderful if the Zoetrope above the entrance to Rye Lane from the Choumert car park were actually made to work (never has to my knowledge and it has been there for years) and if the planting in the area below it were given a creative overhaul, with perhaps a bench or two to enjoy it from?

Peckham Library at Sunset

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Peckham Library at Sunset. A view from the Hannah Barry Exhibition on the top floor of the multi-story car park.
It shows how close we are to the centre of London, yet our transport links to it are constantly under threat.

That Wonderful Peckham Snow!

Contributor's name: 
Bob Clark

Memories of Rye Lane environs during that wonderful snow. (Photos taken c.5.38pm - 6.04pm 2 February 2009)

As Usual - Are We To Expect Another Dowdy Rye Lane Christmas?

Contributor's name: 
Bob Clark

Christmas 2008/9 in Rye Lane as with previous year showed Christmas lights dowdily arranged without comprehension to any seasonal aesthetic as to 'a glorious promenade of glittering lights' that might easily be achievable. Just witness the haphazard hanging of lights where many in-between posts are ignored making the overall aspect ‘mean and uneven’. Notwithstanding, that on Christmas Eve 2008 when my photos were taken lights were unlit at 3.42pm just as shops are about to close early on the last Christmas shopping day. “Yes” lights reluctantly brighten 5mins later at 3.47pm as ambient light level triggers auto street lights to turn-on. Seems like Mr.

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Rye Lane on an average weekday.

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Some familiar sites for those of us who don't drive everywhere in a people carrier, can't afford organic food and don't employ an Eastern European Nanny to look after our kids which, incidently. all have triple barelled names like Oliver-Dolphin-Evelyen James Joyce Harry.

Superb remnants of our past obscured by tatty shops

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These superb remnants of our past are obscured by tatty shops in Peckham High Street. See Peckham Society account of the history of these oldest Peckham buildings from the seventeenth & eighteenth centuries. There is a good view from the Lidl car park.

Eyesores (and obstructions) in Highshore Road

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This ugly site in Highshore Road (near the postal sorting office) has been the scene of a number of aborted developments for around two years. It would be interesting to know what is going on. Meanwhile, waste bins frequently block the pavement. Complaint to Southwark Council (which is hot on cars that do no harm) has been unavailing.

Bar Story: A Success Story

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A successful social eating and meeting place created in railway arches and surrounded by industry. Hints at what could be achieved with other imaginative enterprises.

terrace on Rye Lane, opposite Nigel Road

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This is another small terrace of attractive buldings opposite the Nigel Road junction. Just right for the 'facelift' treatment that some Bellenden streets got, but they wait in vain, and this and the other street frontages in this important gateway to the town centre remain so neglected.

forlorn terrace opposite Nigel Road

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every time I go along Nigel Road towards Peckham Rye, I feel sad at the derelict house on the end of this remaining terrace of three pleasant and attractive houses. A lovely view coming along Nigel Road if one wasn't derelict and they all had their fronts cleaned. Why, I keep wondering, has it been allowed to get into that state? I wish I knew; does anyone know?. If only we could do something to get it back into functioning and get that view as good as it could be.

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