Spring & blossom

April is when the trees and bushes come alive again. Where there were just dead looking trees and shrubs, they start slowly to green and then suddenly the blossom, white and pink, springs out in all its glory for a few weeks transforming the views and lifting the heart.

Gowlett Road pink in Spring

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Pink abundance in April in Gowlett Road, and many of the roads in the neighbourhood. It is beautiful till the rains come and wash them off the trees.

Rye Passage in Spring

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This is how Rye Passage is a small oasis in the midst of the bustiling urban places.

pink blossom in Choumert Road

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the tree leaves just coming out and the pink blossom fully out in almost all the streets. This one near the corner with Costa Street and the Montpelier.

Ornamental cherry tree

Contributor's name: 
D. Morgan

Our street is full of ornamental fruit trees that would be more at home in a park. I would love them if they were properly maintained; regular pruning etc. They look beautiful for a day until the traffic mangles them due to their size, (see picture) and then when the wind and rain arrive, two tons of wet petals descend on everything, then turn brown and slippery.
We have had several replacement trees in recent years- it would have been good to have been consulted on the species planted.

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