Boris Transport Plans on ITV London Tonight

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from ITV London Tonight 12 October   

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THIS IS FROM THE TRAM FACEBOOK PAGE:  INDOMIE Thursday 15 October 2009 2.50pm
Some of you may have seen this week’s announcement of the Mayors new Transport Strategy for London (not to mention today’s steep bus fare increases too!)

You can read the document at but I’m afraid there is very little in there about South East London and no mention of the Cross River Tram at all [or the South London Line]! There is now a vague mention of a possible extension of the Bakerloo Line sometime after 2020, but this is subject to further research. It’s an option that has been looked at in the past and ruled out on cost and technical grounds – hence the preference for the Tram. There is a real danger now that our needs will be pushed further down the list of priorities as any Bakerloo extension is unfunded and could well fall foul to a change of Mayor in the future. We seem to be going around in circles!

It’s a year since development work on the Tram was stopped and we are no nearer to finding out the future shape of public transport provision in this part of the capital. Even worse, we have a project in the CRT, where development work is substantially complete and trams were due to start operating in 2017!

South Londoners fares are effectively subsidising investment in public transport elsewhere in London – isn't it about time for that money to be invested in supporting our needs and communities!

PLEASE submit your views/complaints to the new Transport Strategy website:

and why not tell Boris what you think yourself?!?

Boris will be at the Brixton Academy on Monday 9th November for a public Question Time event – Tickets are FREE and can be ordered via

I can’t be there so it would be great if others could go along and give Boris a hard time on behalf of all of us!