Transport strategy

Policy and planning for London's transport overall, including particular parts of the railway infrastructure that has wider effects, and how any of that affects rail in SE London.

Bakerloo Line extension consultation to 7th December 2014

 TfL consultation on extension of Bakerloo Line to Lewisham via either Old Kent Road or Camberwell & Peckham -

Devolution to Mayor & TfL for more London rail franchising

The Government consulted in 2012 on devolving decision making from central Government (Department for Transport) to regional rail organisations. In London the regional organisation is TfL (Transport for London). TfL already is responsible for major planning and management of rail transport – underground and surface rail (DLR & London Overground) but has no powers over the longer distance rail services that are also a significant part of London transport. There are strong grounds for devolving some of these responsibilities to TfL and the London Mayor to enable more integrated planning and management. However, accountability for TfL needs to be improved. 

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Unlocking Herne Hill and the Kent route to the City

From London Reconnections, 9 November 2012 by Lemmo

The extensive RUS process has already yielded a long shopping list of potential projects, including some big ticket items such as Crossrail 2. We are more likely, however, to see a package of more modest investments in CP5 (Control Period 5, 2014-2019) which will pave the way for more ambitious projects in CP6.

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Mayoral election: could London’s rail services become part of TfL?

From the Londonist  24 Feb 2012
Earlier this month, Boris Johnson set out his plans to bring London’s rail services under the control of City Hall and TfL in a bid to improve London’s transport.  Mainline rail routes into London are currently franchised to private companies with varying degrees of customer service, timeliness and efficiency and the mayor believes he can do a better job. A recent Telegraph poll suggests that over 75% of other people think he can do a better job too. So does Ken Livingstone, though obviously he’s planning in terms of himself being mayor rather than Boris. Let’s take a look at their plans for devolution of rail franchises in London:  Read more

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Future of London Bridge Station exhibition & public meeting

London Bridge station will be rebuilt between 2012 and 2019. This is a major redevelopment in our part of London which will have a big effect on the area around London Bridge affecting rail users, bus users, local Bermondsey residents and anyone travelling through or visiting that area. Next week there is a Network Rail exhibition at the station with rail people there to answer questions.

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Responses to the draft L&SE RUS

Here are links to the responses to Network Rail's consultation on their draft 20 year RUS (rail utilisation strategy) for the railways in London and SE England, which are especially relevant to our SRUG interests: 

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Rail – 20 Year Strategy for London & SE Railways – draft LSE RUS

email to SRUG mailing list

Network Rail has just published a draft 20 year RUS (rail utilisation strategy) for the railways in London and SE England. The three month consultation runs until 18 March 2011. Further information is in the Press Release below, and also on Network Rail's website at:

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inner south London Overground rail missing from Mayor's transport strategy

The Mayor's draft transport strategy does not mention at all the crucial role that Overground Rail plays in inner south London transport network system!  TfL's lack of interest and concern for this is probably why they believe it is OK to cut the South London Line from 2012 and reduce radial services into central London stations. There appears to be no joined up planning in the rail industry of these Overgound rail links as part of the local inner south London transport system. SRUG has submitted comments on the Mayor's draft strategy asking for this ommisson to be rectified. Read the comments here.

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Boris Transport Plans on ITV London Tonight

from ITV London Tonight 12 October   

click here for broadcast clip:

THIS IS FROM THE TRAM FACEBOOK PAGE:  INDOMIE Thursday 15 October 2009 2.50pm
Some of you may have seen this week’s announcement of the Mayors new Transport Strategy for London (not to mention today’s steep bus fare increases too!)

You can read the document at but I’m afraid there is very little in there about South East London and no mention of the Cross River Tram at all [or the South London Line]! There is now a vague mention of a possible extension of the Bakerloo Line sometime after 2020, but this is subject to further research. It’s an option that has been looked at in the past and ruled out on cost and technical grounds – hence the preference for the Tram. There is a real danger now that our needs will be pushed further down the list of priorities as any Bakerloo extension is unfunded and could well fall foul to a change of Mayor in the future. We seem to be going around in circles!

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