Occasional emails summarising latest news on particular topics

Rail – 20 Year Strategy for London & SE Railways – draft LSE RUS

email to SRUG mailing list

Network Rail has just published a draft 20 year RUS (rail utilisation strategy) for the railways in London and SE England. The three month consultation runs until 18 March 2011. Further information is in the Press Release below, and also on Network Rail's website at:

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Southern Rail issues Peckham Rye station travel plan

email to SRUG mailing list:

Southern Rail have developed an action plan to improve some aspects of travelling to and from some of their stations. Peckham Rye is one of the stations, and the Travel Plan is attached. If you use Peckham Rye station and have any views on this, email SRUG. If anyone is keen to volunteer to monitor how well Southern keep to this plan, please let SRUG know.


East Dulwich station improvements survey

Email to SRUG list:  See below message from Southern Rail about their current station improvements survey. If you use East Dulwich station you might like to complete the survey. You may also have an interest in any one of the other widespread stations on the list for improvements.

Following on from the passenger surveys we conducted for our Enhanced Phase 1 stations, the passenger surveys for our 27 Enhanced Phase 2 stations are now available from our website at   Each survey only takes about 5 minutes to complete. Read more 

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Southern Rail Passenger Panel

Hi South London rail user
Southern Rail the train operating company that runs the trains through most of our local stations - North Dulwich, East Dulwich, Peckham Rye, Queens Rd Peckham and Denmark Hill (but not Nunhead) - are wanting to recruit passengers to their user Panel. This is a great way to make sure that South London Rail users get their views across about rail issues. If you are interested have a look at the information on their website at

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SRUG News June 2010

* local rail history event
* Peckham Rye Station
* Save the South London Line
* Future SRUG work


John Harvard Library invites you to an afternoon of slide shows and talk on
British Rail Southern Region during the Blitz
SATURDAY 19th JUNE  time 2pm-4pm
venue is  John Harvard Library, 211 Borough High St, SE1 1JA
further information from : Eugenia Atta, Library Manager , 020 7525 4528

latest news from the Rye Lane & Station Action Group:

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Cross river train Peckham to St Pancras planned to stay!

At a meeting of rail user groups at Blackfriars 5th May 2010, Southeastern Rail gave assurances that the current service from Sevenoaks via Nunhead, Peckham Rye, Denmark Hill to St Pancras and beyond would continue. This service was reintroduced just last year after being cut following rail privatisation.

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SRUG reviews local rail services

Dear rail user

Some us are reviewing the rail services that go through our local stations. This is to identify ideas about changes and irnprovements that could guide our responses to future consultations, or our own initiatives. (This is in addition to whatever we manage to achieve or not on the South London Line - see at end for latest news on this.)

Our current review includes:
* all services to and from the station(s) you use to Victoria, Blackfriars or London Bridge,
* services out of your stations southwards away from central London,
* first and last trains of the day,
* frequencies of peak services mornings and evenings,
* frequencies of off-peak services

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SRUG News February 2009

SRUG held a lively and informative public meeting on 17th November 2008, about a range of issues facing local rail users. These included the imminent closure of the East Croydon-London Bridge service, the planned closure of the South London Line in 2012, the delays to the planning for the East London Line Extension through Peckham Rye to Clapham Junction, and the state of local stations. Over 70 people were present along with a representative from each of 6 railway companies, and two passenger watchdog organisations. It was a very fruitful discussion which has provided the basis for effective future dialogue. See here for minutes and web links including diagrams and meeting presentations.

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