Improvements by Southern to Peckham Rye station platforms

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To users of Peckham Rye station
This email is to give you some information about Southern Rail's proposals to improve the passenger waiting facilities on all four station platforms, and to encourage users to send comments to Southern. The draft plans were displayed at the event they held with us in the ticket hall in June. That was a very lively occasion when there were non stop conversations about the platform proposals and also about the work of Peckham Vision and the Peckham Society on the restoration of the historic parts of the station and how that fits with the vision for transforming that part of Peckham town centre.

[More news on all that in a later post.]
Now Southern are firming up their proposals on the platform changes, and are aiming to apply for listed building consent in August. Before then they are keen to hear any further comments that rail users would like to make to see if they can take them into account. Further information is below.
If you have any comments do please email them asap:
subject title: 'Peckham Rye platforms'
to: , and, to keep us informed, please
cc: .
Let us know if you have any queries on this, or any of the other restoration and improvement work
on the station.
PLATFORMS 1 & 2 - trains to London Bridge, Victoria, Tulse Hill and beyond.
All the existing buildings running between the two platforms, including the waiting room and the staff room, would be demolished. They will be replaced by transparent windbreaks about 7' high and of varying lengths. Some will have seats alongside them; total seats will be 40, an increase from 30 now. The existing seats will be reused along the platform giving an overall total of seats of approximately 70. The plan is to make these changes by early in 2012.
Southern's reason for this change is to provide more space for passengers to get on and off trains. These two platforms are already so busy during rush hours that train departures can be delayed to enable passengers to circulate.  It is expected that it will become even busier once the East London Line (ELL) arrives at the end of 2012.
PLATFORM 3 - Trains to Victoria and Blackfriars/St Pancras and beyond.
The plan here is to make the empty room, next to the partially restored 'Old Waiting Room', into a new small real waiting room. This plan is dependent on damaged floor joists being repaired to make the floor safe.
PLATFORM 4 - trains to Dartford and Sevenoaks.
Platform 4 already has a relatively recently refurbished waiting room. The new plan is to refit and get back into use the old toilet block. This is the building at the top of the stairs onto Platform 4. These refurbished toilets would have two baby changing facilities as well, and be the toilets for the whole station. The existing toilets on platform 3 would remain but be for staff use only.
This is your chance as a user of the station to let Southern know what you think of all or any of these proposals.
Please send your comments with the subject title 'Peckham Rye platforms'