Save the South London Line - latest news

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Message from Valerie Shawcross on behalf of the Save the South London Line Campaign

Dear South London Line Supporter 
Over the last few months thousands of people have signed a petition to Save the South London Line train service (SLL). I am writing to you now to bring you up to date on our progress and to ask you to help us keep up the pressure on Mayor Boris Johnson and Transport Minster Sadiq Khan MP to Save the South London Line by emailing or writing to them. 
I have attached a briefing on the current situation, but in summary at present Transport for London are considering 5 possible options for alternative services to compensate our area for the loss of the South London Line which they still insist is unavoidable.

Without your signatures and continuing stream of emails and letters to the press, to the Mayor and to the DfT Ministers I doubt whether we would have made so much progress. We have not yet saved the South London Line, but we have got some options including the restoration of the plans for the Victoria - Bellingham service, back on the negotiation table.
This is still not satisfactory so the Campaign Group has published its own proposals. These are set out in the short report 'The South London Line: The Vital Link' which can be found here
I hope that you will help keep up the pressure on this issue by writing again to the Mayor of London Boris Johnson and the Transport Minister Sadiq Khan to reiterate to them the importance of the service, and supporting the proposals in the Campaign report.
If you would like to help us keep you informed about the campaign and other transport issues please also join the mailing list for either the Southwark Rail Users Group (by emailing Eileen Conn on or the Lambeth Public Transport Users Group (by emailing John Stewart on
For a comprehensive but easy to follow summary of the campaign actions, news, achievements and background visit the SRUG website: and click on *stop rail cuts campaign page*.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerely
Valerie Shawcross AM
London Assembly Member for Lambeth & Southwark