SRUG News June 2010

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* local rail history event
* Peckham Rye Station
* Save the South London Line
* Future SRUG work


John Harvard Library invites you to an afternoon of slide shows and talk on
British Rail Southern Region during the Blitz
SATURDAY 19th JUNE  time 2pm-4pm
venue is  John Harvard Library, 211 Borough High St, SE1 1JA
further information from : Eugenia Atta, Library Manager , 020 7525 4528

latest news from the Rye Lane & Station Action Group:
Significant progress is now being made to bring the Peckham Rye station Old Waiting Room (also known as the Old Billiard Hall) back to life. This huge magnificent empty space above the ticket hall was closed and the windows bricked up over 40 years ago and it remained a secret silent place inhabited mainly by pigeons. The work has been inspired and led by Benedict O’Looney, local architect and historian, from the Peckham Society. First the windows were unbricked and this revealed original Victorian paint! The latest work is reaching another important stage with the original wooden floor and the electrics repaired. For more details and pictures on all that and the latest news also on

  • a new station square & rear courtyard
  • station accessibility
  • the current station forecourt


TfL's study of new services to replace part of the SLL, if it is stopped in 2012 as planned, is mostly done. They have found some technically feasible tweaks to the timetables and services that would create direct links to Victoria for Southwark stations Nunhead, Peckham Rye and Denmark Hill, but there is currently no funding provided for them. Further work has to be done on the funding issues but what is possible will not be clear until the impact on transport budgets of the cuts the Government is now planning across all public expenditure can be seen. However, the possible tweaks to services that have been identified don't provide:

  • direct links to Victoria from South Bermondsey and Queen's Road (or from Clapham and Wandsworth in peak hours), or
  • direct links to London Bridge from Denmark Hill, Clapham and Wandsworth.

The SLL Campaign group is conferring on all this and deciding next actions.

In the meantime, a small core group of keen local rail users is continuing to educate ourselves on how the complex rail track system works in south London so that we can become well equipped to understand the implications of any proposals made on the SLL and any other local services in future. We can also develop our own proposals for improvements to put forward at very early stages of rail service planning, to avoid us always just reacting negatively to rail industry proposals. If anyone is also a keen enthusiast and would like to join in this learning project please let me know.

Eileen Conn
Southwark Rail Users Group (SRUG)
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